
Stats, ideas and happenings in the world Online Marketing

Free Adwords Voucher

May 6th, 2011

Update Google Adwords Editor 9.0.1

Downloaded and installed the latest update Google AdWords editor 9.0.1 and i can see that they made some “cosmetic changes” and added some new buttons.

First thing i noticed is that you now can open recently viewed AdWords account. This is handy because you don’t have to go to file open account. This make thing a little bit quicker to switch between AdWords accounts.


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May 5th, 2011

Increase Sales with Multivariate Testing

One of our clients asked help with their AdWords PPC campaign to increase sales and lower the CPA levels. Currently our client had a Return of Investment of 133% and wanted to increase this to around 200%.  After reviewing the Pay per Click campaign we identified the points that needed improvements. We started to split...

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February 24th, 2011

Adwords Ad Delivery Now Optimized for Conversions

Google announced that they have a new ad rotation setting in Google adwords. This setting allows you to optimize for conversions. Previously, you had two options:

  • Optimize for clicks: Ads that are expected to provide more clicks are shown more often
  • Rotate: Ads are shown more evenly

With the new option, you can choose to show ads that are expected to provide more conversions more often....

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