
Stats, ideas and happenings in the world Online Marketing

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January 15th, 2011

Google AdWords Negative Keyword Lists

When you start a new Adwords campaign and add keywords they default to broad match. After running a while you notice that your ads are showing for not related keyword phrases. What happened? You forgot to add negative keywords to the campaign so that you exclude keywords you don’t want to show for. There are some generic keywords depending on your product or service you don’t want to see your ads.  Some of these keywords are Ebay, Amazon,...

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January 12th, 2011

Doing the Right Things to Use Your Facebook Page for Marketing

Facebook is now considered a marketing tool, and many people are using it with great success. However, you really can’t expect to simply throw up a Facebook profile and suddenly be in the top 5 placements. There are ways to use social networking that will help maximize your exposure and provide you with devoted and loyal followers.

Facebook is beneficial for your customers if you are able to use it as a place for communication. Allow...

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January 11th, 2011

Helpful Hints to Maximize Pay-Per-Click

Online marketing is about finding users who will not only check out your website but also make purchases, sign up for newsletters, and become a life long active customer. This is done in one of two ways. You either pay for those customers or you don’t. Organic search engine optimization is about using the free methods of driving traffic to your website.

This is certainly a tempting way to go about search engine marketing. Organic methods...

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