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January 15th, 2011

Google AdWords Negative Keyword Lists

When you start a new Adwords campaign and add keywords they default to broad match. After running a while you notice that your ads are showing for not related keyword phrases. What happened? You forgot to add negative keywords to the campaign so that you exclude keywords you don’t want to show for. There are some generic keywords depending on your product or service you don’t want to see your ads.  Some of these keywords are Ebay, Amazon, Graigslist, Free or Facebook.

Now Google Adwords makes it easier to add these kinds of keywords as a negative keyword to your campaigns so that you don’t waste money on keywords that are not relevant.

To access negative keyword lists, just visit the ‘Control panel and library’ that you will find under the Campaigns tab:

This is a real time and money saver now you can add your negative keyword list to exclude all of the necessary terms with just a few clicks.

Just let us know what you think of this new feature.

Posted in Adwords, PPC | No Comments »

January 11th, 2011

Helpful Hints to Maximize Pay-Per-Click

Online marketing is about finding users who will not only check out your website but also make purchases, sign up for newsletters, and become a life long active customer. This is done in one of two ways. You either pay for those customers or you don’t. Organic search engine optimization is about using the free methods of driving traffic to your website.

This is certainly a tempting way to go about search engine marketing. Organic methods are not necessarily better just because they are free. In fact, research has continuously indicated that the conversion rate (turning visitors into customers) is significantly lower when using organic methods over pay-per-click methods. Read the Rest of this Post

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