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January 11th, 2011

Helpful Hints to Maximize Pay-Per-Click

Online marketing is about finding users who will not only check out your website but also make purchases, sign up for newsletters, and become a life long active customer. This is done in one of two ways. You either pay for those customers or you don’t. Organic search engine optimization is about using the free methods of driving traffic to your website.

This is certainly a tempting way to go about search engine marketing. Organic methods are not necessarily better just because they are free. In fact, research has continuously indicated that the conversion rate (turning visitors into customers) is significantly lower when using organic methods over pay-per-click methods.

  • If you want to really maximize your potential with pay-per-click, resists the urge to use the keywords that you believe are the best. Even if it seems like your keywords are going to be the obvious ones, avoid using them. The more generalized your keywords are the more expensive they will be, and often the less effective. Start by asking those you know what keywords they used to find your website. Customers, neighbors, and other marketers will often provide you with some great insight.
  • Of course, don’t forget the importance of using tools to help you find just the right keywords. In many cases, keyword tools such as Google Suggestion tool can help you find more specific keywords that will help you target users and increase your conversion rate.
  • Don’t just use a few keywords and then move onto other things. You want to monitor the progress and see exactly which keywords are bringing in that extra hungry crowd. You also want to see which keywords might be too broad, too expensive for the conversion rate, and those that are mixing your website with other websites on the results page that are completed unrelated to your niche.
  • Pay-per-click ad copy should never be excessively wordy, flowery, or poetic. Keep your ads powerful when it comes to the call to action but remember that you want to be as straightforward as possible. You want to entice the customer to your website rather than impress them with your creative word use. If you do not know how to write good, solid, and strong ad copy then hire someone to it. It’s vital that your copy is on target.
  • Your straightforward ads should take the potential customer to the straightforward product. Make sure your ads are properly aligned with the correct landing pages so that when a potential customer does click they are directed to the product they want. If you’re searching for shoes and the ad takes you to a page for horse feed, you’re not likely to fish around until you find the shoes you want. You’re going to hit that back button and consider the ad a mistake. Keeping everything simple and straightforward makes it very easy for a consumer to keep moving the process along. Any interruption can be cause for terminating the potential sale.
  • Google tracks the keyword to click ratio and calls this your “quality score.” They want to see you using keywords and ads that make people click through. This is how they became the most used search engine. They had relevant content attached to their search results. By keeping track of your quality score you not only stay favorable within Google’s eyes, but you also can see exactly where you need make adjustments along the way.

Using pay-per-click doesn’t have to be frightening or so costly that you can’t see a return on your investment.

Following the above tips will help you improve your conversion rate and provide you with a solid foundation for your campaign.

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